Many, many moons ago, when I knew what a grey hair was but didn't have any, I got into computers. My first machine was an Apple IIe and it was nice.... but never really set me on fire! Then came the AMIGA! I have this machine to thank for getting me HOOKED on computers and everything associated with them. It was fast and friendly, and as old as the technology is, it's still light years ahead of any other machine in many ways.
What follows is a list of Articles, Software reviews and other things that I have written over the years about the AMIGA. For the most part they appeared in an AMIGA newsletter that I used to be the editor of. Most of these are pretty old, but I'm quite proud of them. Even if you have no iterest in the Amiga, I hope you read them and find them entertaining. Hey, they're all a bit nutty, and that always makes good reading! :^)
Also on this page is a section of FREELY downloadable games that I created for use on the AMIGA line of computers. A few of them I have received much fan mail on, and I am quite proud of. Here they all are, available for downloading. They are all FREEware, so do with them what you like. Enjoy them and LONG LIVE AMIGA!
A text and Graphics adventure game with a point and click interface, you are locked up in a mental institution and must ESCAPE or get the special treatment... A LOBOTOMY! The clock is running.. GET OUT OF THERE!
Click here to download PSYCHOWARD! 372k
"I Rescued ELVIS From Communist Alien jerks"
A text and Graphics adventure game with a point and click interface, you are a backwoods "good old boy" who gets taken aboard an alien craft and meet up with ELVIS! You decide the King needs to be rescued. Off you go.....
Click here to download I rescued Elvis... 331k
A SHOOT-EM-UP where you are an allied pilot making your way across war torn Europe. Each successful flight across the channel gains you a medal! Get all 3 medals and become an ACE!
Click here to download Boche 100k
A SHOOT-EM-UP where you are are attacked by every creepy crawly critter under the sun! Armed with nothing but a bottomless spray can of deadly poison, can you stop the multiple legged invasion before they take over the world?
Click here to download Kritterz 112k
A SHOOT-EM-UP where you are the fearless Captain of the Starship Exitprise!! Those boneheaded Klingoffs have been tossing their garbage into space, and YOU have been ordered to clean it up using your trusty phaser! Be on the lookout for enemy ships and many other things, some of which you would never expect to find in space!
Click here to download Kosmik Debris 96k
Amiga Articles by Dr. Torgo
The Loser in the Dell
To Boldly Go..... Amiga!
Is the Amiga DOOMED?
The Golden Age of Computing
My visit to Industrial Color Labs
Life, The Internet, and Everything
Toasted TV
Amiga Software Reviews by Dr. Torgo
Cannon Fodder
Bard's Tale Construction Set
Monkey Island 2: Lechuck's Revenge
Pinball Dreams / Pinball Illusions
The Settlers
Scorched Tanks
Mortal Kombat
Mangled Fenders
Star Trek: The Game
Dream Weaver- The Great Adventure Builder
Poing / Deluxe Pac-man
Rush Hour
Other Amiga Reviews by Dr. Torgo
Amiga Tips and Tricks Book
Amiga Computing Magazine
Enjoy these other AMIGA links!
The difinitive place for Amiga software on the internet, and the single biggest software library in existence, regardless of platform!
Looking for info on the Amiga computer? THIS is the place to start!!